AquaTime Marbella

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We offer departures by boat along the coast of Marbella, where can you enjoy an unforgettable day and discover our wonderful beaches and glamour of Marbella.. We can bring US closer to the coast to give you a bath, enjoy of the Beach, or the good music or simply soak up the Sun in an environment exclusive and idyllic.

You can make departures hourly, half day or full day; Although we are open to plan your own trip enjoying the navigation, and of course, relax and have fun taking something on board seeing the best sunsets.

We have several services extras such as catering service, open bar, animators and strippers

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You can hire catering


Check availability, Tailor-made budgets on request

(weather permitting)
[dt_list style=”1″ bullet_position=”middle” dividers=”true”][dt_list_item image=””]July and August: 20:15 to 23:15HS (Sunset)
40€ adult/adult (includes drinks and snack)
20€ children / child (drink and snack included)[/dt_list_item][dt_list_item image=””]September to June: 11:00 to 14:00HS and 15:30 to 18:30HS
40€ adult/adult (includes drinks and snack)
20€ children / child (drink and snack included)[/dt_list_item][/dt_list][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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